Calendar of events
12 April – Maamturks Challenge
12-13 April – IRTS AGM in Dolmen Hotel, Kilkenny
26 April – International Marconi Day (see here )
27-29 June – Friedrichshafen Rally (see here)
TBD July – Joyce Country Challenge-(Finney walk) (GREC radio support involved)
23-30 August – GREC Annual DXpedition to Inishbofin Island.
4 November – GREC AGM Menlo Park Hotel
20-October – Logger32 (Virtual) – a beginners introduction covering how best to run Logger32, the main menus, how to configure it for your needs, how to use it with a cluster and so on. The goal here is an introduction to Logger32 rather than an advanced covering of Logger32.
04-November – NVIS (Virtual) – Near Vertical Incidence Sky-Wave is a skywave radio-wave propagation path that provides usable signals in the distances range – usually 0—650 km (0 – 400 miles). It is used for military communications, broadcasting, especially in the tropics, and by radio amateurs for nearby contacts circumventing line-of-sight barriers. The radio waves travel near-vertically upwards into the ionosphere, where they are refracted back down and can be received within a circular region up to 650 km (400 miles) from the transmitter. (Source: Wikipedia)
TBA January – Raspberry Pi Desktop on a PC (Virtual) – This session is not a presentation, but rather a working session on how to install the Raspberry Pi Desktop on your PC – at the end you will have Raspberry Pi Desktop running safely on your PC without impacting Windows itself. Raspberry Pi’s have become very popular around the world as they are a low-cost introduction to computing and at the same time they have great flexibility. For those that want to experience the Raspberry Pi on a Windows PC, there is the option of installing Raspberry Pi Desktop that allows exploration of some aspects of the Raspberry Pi.
TBA February – Ionagram
TBA March – 5MHz
TBA April – Satellite Communications
TBA May – Logbook of the World
TBA April – Maamturks Challenge (see here)
TBA April – IRTS AGM (see here)
24 April – International Marconi Day (see here )
25-27 June – Friedrichshafen Rally (see here)
TBA July – Joyce Country Challenge-(Finney walk) (GREC involved)
TBA July – GREC Annual Dxpedition to Inishbofin Island.
TBA November – AGM Menlo Park Hotel
TBA = Specific date to be announced.
In addition to the above listed events, the Club also takes part in the contests listed at IRTS (see
Upcoming rallies are also listed on the IRTS website – see